The Institute for Youth Ministry offers online, hybrid, and in-person programming that helps leaders and congregations reflect theologically and use our innovation process for Christian formation in their ministry contexts.
This eight-month, fully digital, cohort-based program combines synchronous leadership summits with self-paced online coursework. Participants gain expertise from Princeton Theological Seminary faculty and leaders, in addition to our learning from our network of scholars and practitioners. Courses include videos, readings, discussions, and contextual assignments. Join us to reflect deeply on the practice of youth ministry and build community with other committed leaders from around the world.
Our online learning module, Cultivating God’s Brainforest, is a project that brings together neurodivergent young people, youth ministry leaders, and scholars to help youth workers better understand the gifts of neurodiversity within the context of Christian congregations. With five on-demand lessons that help cultivate the imagination for truly inclusive ministry, this is a program unlike any other.

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