The Log College Project is an 18-month program that brings the best of Princeton Theological Seminary to your region. We help Christian congregations design, test, and implement new models of ministry, with teenagers at the design table. We aren’t bringing you the next successful idea for your program. We are launching communities of learning and support.
Local Church Leaders
Do you:
- need to re-build programs from the ground up, and you don’t know where to start?
- feel unsure on how to re-engage young people in the midst of the pandemic?
- feel alone in your ministry, and you need a community of support?
- need a road map for helping your congregation gain fresh energy and vision?
We can help!
Ready to go all-in?
Regional Leaders
Do you:
- need a road map for helping congregations gain fresh energy and vision?
- need to help church leaders re-build programs from the ground up, and you want a tested, well-researched process?
- feel overwhelmed by the needs of congregations who are trying to get their feet under them?
- feel pulled in too many directions to design and run an innovation project yourself right now?
We can help!
Program Overview
We will help you launch a cohort of congregations in your region. Our program helps you design with teenagers instead of for teenagers. Each congregation gains:
- Access to Princeton Seminary’s online learning platform to guide your journey from start to finish.
- 2 digital courses (for team leaders) with PTS faculty and staff who connect theological reflection with best practice from design thinking
- 6 events (4 digital, 2 in-person) designed and led by the IYM Team. Our flagship event, the Design Lab, showcases a “pitch party” where teams pitch new forms of ministry to their congregational and community members, gaining support for their launch.
- 9 months of innovation coaching
- 20+ weeks of hybrid curriculum that helps leaders build an intergenerational team, do theological reflection, learn the basics of a design-thinking process, and launch a new ministry. We help you balance screen time and team time with materials you can hold in your hand!
We want to connect you to a cohort of fellow leaders who can help you rebuild and reimagine your congregation’s ministry with young people.
This program is designed to help congregations launch new forms of ministry that transform congregational discipleship with young people and employ best practices from design thinking. We help congregational teams reform their approach to ministry with young people, and reconnect to the missional identity of their congregations and organizations. The reality of the pandemic is baked into our pedagogy, providing digital and socially-distant options until it is safe to gather.
The program cost includes the following:
- Application + acceptance process for congregations in your region
- Design, materials, and leadership of 2 events for team leaders (digital + in-person)
- Design, materials, and leadership of 2 events for intergenerational, congregational teams (digital + in-person)
- Curriculum built to help intergenerational congregational teams design new forms of ministry (15+ weeks of curriculum)
- Digital courses with Princeton Seminary Faculty for team leaders (think: continuing education for ministry professionals)
- An intergenerational, regional community of support
- Innovation coaching for congregational teams (10+ sessions)
- Site visit for each congregation
- Participation in a large-scale research initiative with Princeton Theological Seminary
- A researched and tested process of innovation that takes the agency and creativity of young people seriously
We ask each regional collaborative to provide:
- Recruitment and collaborative selection of congregations (minimum of 12)
- Event locations + logistics (for in-person events)
- Travel + accommodation to your region for in-person event leadership
- A point person for your region
Host our program in your region. Regional leaders can be working from a denominational office, a local congregation, or through an organizational network. If you can bring together 12+ churches, we are eager to work with you. Check out the program details below. Partner with us on an 18-month journey toward new forms of ministry. We know that leaders like you are longing to help churches rebuild and reimagine a connection with youth and young adults.
This program is designed to help congregations launch new forms of ministry that transform congregational discipleship with young people and employ best practices from design thinking. We are aiming to help congregational teams reform their approach to ministry with young people, and reconnect to the missional identity of their congregations and organizations. The reality of the pandemic is baked into our pedagogy, providing digital and socially-distant options until it is safe to gather.
The program cost includes the following:
- Application + acceptance process for congregations in your region
- Design, materials, and leadership of 2 events for team leaders (digital + in-person)
- Design, materials, and leadership of 2 events congregational teams (digital + in-person)
- Intergenerational curriculum for congregational teams (15+ weeks of curriculum)
- Digital courses with Princeton Seminary Faculty for team leaders (think: continuing education for ministry professionals)
- An intergenerational, regional community of support
- Innovation coaching for congregational teams (10+ sessions)
- Site visit for each congregation
- Participation in a large-scale research initiative with Princeton Theological Seminary
- The opportunity to influence the future landscape of ministry through the IYM’s research and platform
We ask each regional hub to provide:
- Recruitment and collaborative selection of congregations (minimum of 12)
- Event locations + logistics (for in-person events)
- Travel + accommodation to your region for in-person event leadership
- A point person for your region
The Log College Project is named for our history: a pastor who was passionate about discipleship with young people built a community of faithful learners and leaders. Some of those young people were fiery preachers in the Great Awakening. Some opened schools of higher learning all over the United States, including Princeton Theological Seminary. What is God longing to build through your ministry?
Introducing: The Log College Project
An 18-month innovation program where 12+ congregations work with young people in their region to launch new ministries. Let’s re-build a missional and justice-oriented Church.
Meet the Team
The Institute for Youth Ministry (IYM) is a collaborative team of pastors and innovators like you. Housed at Princeton Theological Seminary, we bring the best of Princeton’s research, community, and passion for congregational thriving to our programs.
For over 25 years, the IYM has worked with thoughtful leaders who care deeply about the intersection of the “why” and the “how” in youth ministry. We connect those leaders to each other, and give them tools to reshape their ministry toward God’s transformative work in the world.
Introducing: The Log College Project
An 18-month innovation program where 12+ congregations work with young people in their region to launch new ministries. Let’s re-build a missional and justice-oriented Church.
Meet the Team
The Institute for Youth Ministry (IYM) is a collaborative team of pastors and innovators like you. Housed at Princeton Theological Seminary, we bring the best of Princeton’s research, community, and passion for congregational thriving to our programs.
For over 25 years, the IYM has worked with thoughtful leaders who care deeply about the intersection of the “why” and the “how” in youth ministry. We connect those leaders to each other, and give them tools to reshape their ministry toward God’s transformative work in the world.
Introducing: The Log College Project
An 18-month innovation program where 12+ congregations work with young people in their region to launch new ministries. Let’s re-build a missional and justice-oriented Church.
Meet the Team
The Institute for Youth Ministry (IYM) is a collaborative team of pastors and innovators like you. Housed at Princeton Theological Seminary, we bring the best of Princeton’s research, community, and passion for congregational thriving to our programs.
For over 25 years, the IYM has worked with thoughtful leaders who care deeply about the intersection of the “why” and the “how” in youth ministry. We connect those leaders to each other, and give them tools to reshape their ministry toward God’s transformative work in the world.

Ready to Get Started?
Take the first step in re-building a missional and justice-oriented Church with the IYM.