An Online Learning Module for People in Youth Ministry that Centers and Celebrates Neurodiversity.
Cultivating God’s Brainforest is a project that brings together neurodivergent young people, youth ministry leaders, and scholars who offer an on-demand, asynchronous learning experience to help youth ministry leaders better understand the gifts of neurodiversity within the context of Christian congregations.
About the Project
The Institute for Youth Ministry received a grant through Fuller Youth Institute to create an online learning module on neurodiversity and faith formation in youth ministry, which resulted in this one-of-a-kind offering for ministry leaders. Through videos, group, and individual activities, spiritual reflections, and interviews with young people, this course equips youth leaders to shape congregational programs in which young people of all neurotypes flourish.
The project was part of Fuller Youth Institute’s “Character-Forming Youth Discipleship” initiative, funded by The John Templeton Foundation.
Learning Module Experts

Erin Raffety

Michael Paul Cartledge

Questions for the IYM?
CONTACT US to inquire about building a missional and justice-oriented youth ministry.